s q u i d s h r i n e

allow me to introduce you to my splatoon ocs. they're not my sonas but not quite their own unique entities either. i just felt like, after spending 1,000+ hours playing with them and picturing what sort of people they'd be, they deserved a webpage. that and i have a million photos of them and i need somewhere to dump them

my first player character. at the time i mained krak-on splat roller and nzap 89. they're both weapons i still appreciate but i've moved on. i lost my save data from this time so she's...retired. lol

my current splatoon 2 player character. i imagine him as reserved and intelligent and not spectacular and ink sports but he appreciates all the factors that go into them such as strategy and instinct. (this is probably because i don't play a lot of ranked in splat2--mostly because i A rank feels like a total ghost town-but i still really admire people who are good at it and that it takes a good understanding of a completely different metagame than splat3)

here's the one i've spent the most time with (1,200 something hours in splatoon 3 vs about 300 total in 2...), i love her a whole lot. she goes by misfire after the transformer (though techincally they all have since it's just my IGN, but i think it suits her best). she mains hydra and inkbrush because she has no sense of moderation (those are two of my favorites too of course, but i usually pick something less extreme because solo queue requires a certain degree of self-reliance so having absoloutely no speed or strength can be miserable).

she's bloodthirsty and bad with money so lots of salmon run is a given. it's unfortunate that salmon run doesn't have some sort of photo mode, i would spend hours there if it did

these aren't really meant to communicate her character, it's more like modelling outfits based on weapons

carry your team to sweet victory... drink TACTICOOLER

i wish there were a fried bun hairstyle cause it looks cuter with some headgear than the bob but oh well. i'll just have to use my imagination